GVR Coaching

- Dream big, get results and smile -

Hi, I'm Bo Wullings,

and throughout my life I have always been fascinated by the human mind and how it can aid people to perform in life and sports. Hence why I chose to study Sports & Performance Psychology at university.

Unfortunately, I noticed that our mental well-being is often seen as something that only deserves attention when things go wrong, and I believe there is so much more to it!

I aim to change this perception and remove the taboo that something is "wrong" or that your are "soft" when you pay attention to your mental well-being.

As a result I hope to aid people perform better than ever by helping them dream big, staying true and respectful to themselves, and having a can do growth mindset.

So let's get in touch and see how I can help you on your journey. For example by coaching, a workshop or by telling my story.


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